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Pigments for Turfgrass Management

Overview of Pigments
Pigments optimize turf color, quality and aesthetics. Other pigments provide additional benefits, including protection and increased reflection of near infrared (NIR) and UV light.

GRIGG research has documented an increase in NIR light reflectance from turf treated with GreenPIG. We continue to learn how this measurement correlates with decreased oxidative stress.

Turf managers have the ability to use colorants for a specific agronomic objective, or simply paint the turf.

In general, pigments and paints are chemically similar, but very different physically. For pigmented products, the formulation and inert ingredients determine its use. 

Key Advantages

  • Low viscosity and metal load, hence lower weight
  • Compatible with tank mix partners such as crop protectants and plant growth regulators
  • Designed for repeated use
  • Increased reflectance of potentially damaging NIR light