Discover the Science Behind BRANDT iHammer's Plant Health Technology
BRANDT iHammer develops science-driven solutions that are designed to help your turfgrass thrive. By combining GRIGG’s trusted care with BRANDT iHammer’s innovative products, we’re providing more effective solutions for our customers.

Proven Benefits:
- BRANDT iHammer’s Technology: Our patented glycoregulatory technology targets the bond between lectins and glucose, improving plant access to this crucial energy source.
- Glucose for Plant Energy: Plants derive much of their energy from glucose produced during photosynthesis, essential for growth.
- Lectins’ Dual Role: While lectins protect plants from pests and pathogens by binding them to carbohydrates, they can also hinder the plant’s ability to use glucose effectively, impacting turfgrass health.
- Enhanced Growth and Vitality: By disrupting lectins’ binding to glucose, our technology fosters stronger plant growth and vitality, promoting healthier roots and robust growth even in adverse environmental conditions.
The innovative products of BRANDT iHammer, now integrated into the GRIGG portfolio, are setting new standards in turf care. Each product is developed to target vital aspects of turfgrass growing points and resilience. They are also formulated to be compatible with most other fertilizers, pesticides, and other turf management additives.